Saturday, April 2, 2011

These gifts have a very, very special purpose.

69. Words of wisdom.
Today I was talking with this woman who has walked the path of life. She has grieved and watched people grieve. She was describing it to my friend (see her really cool blog here) that some gifts you can't see the meaning to... sometimes you just have to realize that God has a very special purpose for them.

Sometimes, we don't accept things as gifts because they seem like nuclear bombs going on in our life. Or maybe it's just that small pot hole that shook the entire car. Whatever it is for you, there is a special, special purpose for it your life... in my life.
Let's embrace the gift together. 

1 comment:

  1. I love you Stephanie Davis.
    You are an amazing woman of God that I love so very dearly.
    I love your heart.
    I love your friendship.
    I just love you so much. :)
    Thanks for sharing this surprise with me.
