Sunday, May 15, 2011

A whole new world.

147. New Opportunities. 
Hopeful opportunities... that could lead to jobs. Oh gosh... I love when the Lord takes moments that are full of my imperfections and craziness and says, "Oh hey, I'm in control... Let's do this." Beautiful.

148. Jennie's mom.
No, this is not some Stacy's mom rendition... Her mother came and made our little apartment a home...

149. Family.
They bless my life. I love that as I get older, I can relate to them better and build deeper relationships with them.

150. Children.
Here's today's event:
*knock, knock* *opens door* *sees smiling girl*
Me: Hi Lexi.
Lexi: Look what I brought!!! (Pulls out huge Toy Story 3 coloring book)
Jennie and I: Oh fun, let's color!
Lexi smiles... then says, "Oh and can we make cookies for my class?!"
Jennie and I smile at each other... Yes Lexi, that'd be great if that's what you wanna do!
Lexi: Yes!! That's fun!
I love that our only friends in this complex are 8 and 12. My life is great.

151. My SGI girlies.
They threw me a graduation party... They are incredible... Watching them grow has been such a blessing in my life. So proud of them!

I think I'm going to like this whole after graduation thing... not that it's easy, but rather that I know it's where I'm supposed to be... Oh how He provides. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

And the next journey begins...

143. Neighbors.
I was expecting not to make too many friends in this little apartment complex. Jennie and I have already made 2... one's 12 and one's 8. They like to come over and eat our cookies and brownies and play war after school. They knock on our door daily. And I thought my life was going to be dull....

144. 2 Interviews.
I have TWO interviews... I mean, so maybe they'll both flop, but it's two steps further in this new little journey of my life. :)

145. Great convos.
I love little surprises in my day, when I get to know people's hearts at a deeper level and I know that God is using me and still teaching me.

146. Reading for FUN.
Seriously, I didn't realize how much I missed this. It's the bomb. I want to become a nerd again. :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.

138. Done. Finished. No more.
Well, I do have to finish online American gov... but other than that... finished. weird. I think I like it.

139. Family
I love them so much. They might be the greatest ever.

140. Realizing I don't have a time for the next anticipated transition...
Ok, so maybe I'm not fully convinced this is a gift yet... the unknown is slightly terrifying, BUT... I do know the Lord is faithful and He will and does care for me. I guess this means so long to my dependence on myself. :)

141. Workouts.
Workouts=happy endorphins (and happy people just don't kill their husbands... (Legally Blonde reference)). :) It also means less tears for me.

142. Hope.
No matter what the situation, I have a hope which can never be shaken. On Christ the solid rock I stand.... Praise Jesus.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Even still... I shall sing your praises!

It's finals week. My life is exploding. And things are getting really uncomfortable.

BUT. I have SO much to be thankful for still...

132. Roommates.
They tell funny jokes. They cry. They make fun of you. They play jokes on you. They make secret groups when you freak out that you'll never be friends again. I love them.

133. Hannah Wood.
She's sitting in front of my right now. She's supposed to be writing a paper, but instead we have successfully had heart to heart convos, drank coffee, and of course, not studied for this final.

134. Sunshine.
Two days of it. Yes please.

135. A final that takes 6 minutes.
Need I say more?

136. Library study sessions.
I have been in the library more this week than I've been all semester. Ironically, these little study sessions were quite comical and yet still productive. LOOVE it....

137. Family.
They'll be here Friday. I can't wait.

I could keep going, but I'm supposed to be studying. opps. :-)