Monday, March 28, 2011


55. Realizing I have the best friends. ever.
It's true. And I have no idea why.... But I think I'll keep them. :)

56. Knowing that one day, certain moments will be gifts.
Those moments when God throws curve ball after curve ball and all of a sudden you have no idea what's going on... one day this will be a gift, right?

57. Waking up to a beautiful snow and finishing the day with 55 degrees.
Normally I don't like snow, but it was only on the grass and it was the big powered sugar kind. Beautiful. And I still didn't freeze because it warmed up.... :)

58. Erin Schooler.
You wouldn't understand unless you live with this woman. Her phrases.... oh man....

59. Kansas City.
I know... I have attachment issues. I'm willing to deal with that though.

60. Little cousins.
Seriously, they melt my heart.... I mean really... how do you turn down a cute little face that says, "Stephie... I'll love you forever." Or my favorite, "hahahaha... I just farted by you..." No wonder I have the humor of a five year old boy....

1 comment:

  1. Sister,
    You bless me daily (even when I don't get to see you) because you know me and want to share Jesus' truth and beauty. That's what I think of when I think of you, truth and beauty.

    love you : )
