Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fall asleep counting my blessings.

9. Chapel
Nothing like a challenge to be real and vulnerable with God and your friends. Gooood stuff.

10. An apple (every Tues/Thurs)day keeps the doctor away.
One day I asked for a piece of fruit... and now every T/R I get fruit that I don't want to buy at the grocery store.

11. Library ladies that seem to see "I have senioritis and can't keep schedule of things" written on my forehead. Let me demonstrate:
Me: Hi... I need to recheck this book. I think I already have fines.
Librarian: Well let's see... Oh well yes you do...
Me: Can I pay them when I finally turn the book in?
Librarian: *chuckles* yes, you can... you also have another book out.
Me: I do?!
Librarian: *tries to pronounce Nicomachean*... ethics?
Me: Oooo yea...
Librarian: Tell ya what sweetie... I'll recheck that one too, so they're both due on the same day.
Me: *smiles* Bless your heart.
Thank you JBU staff for knowing I'm psycho.

1 comment:

  1. Here are a few of my joys of the day:

    1. Eating cottage cheese and mandarin oranges. They taste yummy together.

    2. Little children at work running up to me like I haven't seen them in forever and embracing me for five minutes.
    Even though they are a terror in class, I sure do love it when they hug me. :)

    3. Stephy letting me have a few bites of her chicken burrito from Taco Bell.
    I love you and I love the chicken burrito. I also love how you let me take a bite right off the burrito. Our teacher probably thinks we're crazy. :) Thank you for dinner. Bah. I just realized I didn't eat dinner. lol oops.

    4. Sara brings home the bottom of a chocolate chip muffin.
    Let me just tell you. It was delicious. I actually was craving one just the other day.

    5. The reminder that God is in control. He soothes my soul like no one else can.

    That's all. I LOVE you stephy poo.
