Monday, November 14, 2011

On a role...

Two posts in the same month... I feel empowered! :) ha...

181. A break from the narrow view.
Sometimes I get so caught up in the little details that I forget to step back and look at the whole of my life... I have a warm place, food, and love... I'm living in abundance.

182. Eating my own advice.
Don't you hate those moments when you realize you need to take your own advice? I often think the Lord brings other people in my life to reflect my life back to myself... bad word choice... it's 11pm. Oh well...

183. God answers prayers.
So... I was on a roadtrip with the girls coming home from a beautiful wedding when we decided to try yet again the J. Biebs Christmas CD (it hadn't worked on the way down). Well, it didn't work. I told God half-heartedly that I just wanted to listen to songs about His Son's birth and literally 2 seconds later, the CD played. For real, God cares about the little things folks.

184. Reassurance. 
I love that the Lord knows I need reassurance in tough decisions. Turns out I'm not as independent as I thought... but shhh... don't tell anyone.

185. Goodnight.
Yes... I'm thankful for the fact that it is night night time. Sweet dreams. Pillow, here I come!

I've got more... but I want to bond with my pillow tonight. :)

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