Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I love surprises....

61. Surprise mail....
Chocolate and a note... seriously... what could be better?

62. Reminders that there is a bigger picture.
Sometimes the details are so overwhelming.

63. Songs that speak into my life.

Being a senior is overrated... who wants to become a part of this real world anyways... getting a BS and still feel like I'm going no where fast. G to the reat.

Oh well... at least I currently have 63 things that remind me how blessed I am... I know I have more that just aren't typed. So freaking blessed, despite it all.

Monday, March 28, 2011


55. Realizing I have the best friends. ever.
It's true. And I have no idea why.... But I think I'll keep them. :)

56. Knowing that one day, certain moments will be gifts.
Those moments when God throws curve ball after curve ball and all of a sudden you have no idea what's going on... one day this will be a gift, right?

57. Waking up to a beautiful snow and finishing the day with 55 degrees.
Normally I don't like snow, but it was only on the grass and it was the big powered sugar kind. Beautiful. And I still didn't freeze because it warmed up.... :)

58. Erin Schooler.
You wouldn't understand unless you live with this woman. Her phrases.... oh man....

59. Kansas City.
I know... I have attachment issues. I'm willing to deal with that though.

60. Little cousins.
Seriously, they melt my heart.... I mean really... how do you turn down a cute little face that says, "Stephie... I'll love you forever." Or my favorite, "hahahaha... I just farted by you..." No wonder I have the humor of a five year old boy....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another cup 'a joe.... I mean blessings...

51. Panera. 
Usually homework is painful... however, spending the past two days with a coffee in my right and stacks of reading in front of me... surprisingly delightful.
Or maybe it's the people watching... hmmm...

Yes little Panera boy... please hit on me and tell me how useful my area of study is to this world... it boosts my self esteem, especially when I'm looking for the non-existent jobs online.

52. Sunny evenings at the park.
Nothing brings out the child in ya like a night at the park. Especially with crazy SG girls... oh how I love them...

53. Having one of my best friends be a phone call away again.
I know... tough decision for her... but really... three months is far too long...

54. Learning to trust... again, and again, and again, and again....
This is one of those things where I know I'll look back and laugh at myself for freaking out. But I know... He who is faithful has called me. He has provided in the past and will continue to do so.

Sometimes I don't know what to title these little ramblings... and sometimes I want to title them the same way... because I feel a theme in my gifts.
Coffee (or tea)
The beauty of Creation...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's been a while...

Well, this week has officially gotten away from me... but still filled with little surprises... 

44. Peppermint Tea
How great it would be to be sitting with my besties drinking this, talking about the day... but even the tea and knowledge of A Greater Friend brings peace and joy to my heart as I sit here typing away...

45. Spring has sprung!
I think my heart skips a beat every time I see a new bud on a tree... I love spring!

46. Cows.
Let me explain.... The grass is turning greener everyday and baby cows and momma cows are out in the fields... its far to precious to see a momma cow and baby cow nuzzling. Judge if you want.

47. Spring break.
No classes. Can I get an Amen?

48. Unexpected moments with friends.
Random sonic dates, sitting in walker doing homework with friends when I least expect it, kitchen chats, random packages in the mail. I live for these moments.

49. Realizing I'm a grown up.
Ok, so this is one of the borderline scary gifts that you're not sure you completely like, but you are almost sure that you do.... you know when you realize that you are independent of your parents and while that's pretty much been the case, being alone is 1/4 terrifying, 1/2 exhilarating, and 1/4 unidentified emotion.

50. Letting go.
You know those things [physically, emotionally, mentally....] that you hold on to and you always think you have let go of them... yet they always linger?! What freedom there is in letting go. For good....

Ah... spring break week, please be good to me. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pigs, Chickens, and Monkeys... Oh MY!

37. Laughter.
I know... I think I was thankful for this way back when... but still thankful for the gift... and it's a gift that changes each time I experience it.

38. Beautiful mornings.
This morning was just incredible... There was something so sweet about waking up and hearing the birds and the feel of the cool air. Plus, I planned ahead... so I got 8 hours of sleep. BAH... :)

39. Contentment. 
It's really a beautiful thing... a mixture of grace, peace, joy, and fulfillment.

40. Friends.
Yup... still thankful for them too. :) I am so amazed that the Lord would put so many great people in my life... I really have no idea why... but I love them all.

41. Flying pigs, chickens, and monkeys...
I mean... who doesn't love a homework break that includes flying animals?! :)

42. Dry Senses of Humor.
If you don't think this is funny... you can stop reading my blog... (haha... get it... if only you could read funny over typing....)

43. Knowing that it's going to rain all night.
Dear tin roof, I love you. Please lull me to sleep with your sweet music while the rain falls.

Mmmm... Goodnight world.

Friday, March 11, 2011


33. Taco Bell
I know... this is more influential to my morale than my body... but hey... whatevs. :)

34. Sunshine
After 3 days of clouds..... mmmmhmmmm.

35. Finding courage
This was actually something I witnessed today, but it's a beautiful thing when someone finds the courage to face the poop of this world. And I pray that she does...

Not the get wasted, forget your life kind... the enjoy time with people you love and watch people celebrate the life of someone kind of grand times. Beautiful.

Today was one of those days where I am reminded of the beauty of this world. Even in the midst of chaos....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Giver

29. Just listen. Sooo great. :) 

30. Dinner with the SG girls.
So much life in these ladies. Love it.

31. Pink sock compliments.
I wore them because I had nothing else... apparently I made a fashion statement. ha.

32. Actions speak louder than words.
Love is an action, right? Funny... when you love in action, eventually you end up loving in heart too.

I love that through all of this, my heart is finding rest, not because I have all these great gifts, but because I'm getting to know the Giver through the gifts. And the more I know about the Giver, the more I grow to love the Giver... :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday Treasures

26. Senior Chapel.
First of all.... BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Secondly, BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. And lastly, BAHHHHHHHHHHH! (that's a mixture of excitement, anxiety, butterflies, and joy).

27. Senior lunch.
Reminiscing upon the last four years. In to the sane.

28. Treasures.
I struck it rich today when I came home and found GOLD laying on my bed. Beyond blessed? I think that's me... :)

I'm off to my favorite class ever (if only you could catch written sarcasm)... so I leave with this... can you find the treasure that surrounds the crappy part of the day? I'm realizing more and more that there are treasures everywhere... I just have to look for them. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Neverending light.

Days like today make me really thankful for a place to sit and force myself to count my blessings. I really am so blessed. 

21. Surprise Sonic trips with a dear friend.
Sonic Happy Hour+Twinner= :)

22. Friends that play songs that speak from your heart. 
Ahem... What do you want from me? Loooove it.

23. Remembering that even through the fog of crap, there is still light... 
There will always be a light, whose light will never dim.

24. Spring Break.
Do I hear a hoorrrrrahhh?!!?!

25. The hope that tomorrow brings.
Some days just need to start over. Thank goodness His mercies are new every morning. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Holding onto the rafts.

Sometimes when the waves are high, it's nice to take a moment and remember that there are rafts around to float on.
(ha... yes, I love visual pictures :)).

17. My bed at SG. 
This could possibly be one of my new favorite places. EVER.

18. Developing new relationships.
I love getting to know people's hearts. And learning about them. I love that God made each and every one of us different. and so very special.

19. God's faithfulness.
He equips the called... He does not call the equipped.

20. Friends.
They love me even when I'm unlovable. Why am I so blessed?

I'm so thankful that when the waves are high I can look around and find the rafts that keep me afloat. PTL.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Unexpected Joys

Today was filled with little surprises around every corner. Good thing I like surprises. 

13. Coffee... delivered from my favorite little sister ever. 
Funny how she always offers me coffee on the days that I am thinking hmm... I could really use a cup o jo right now. Love this girl.

14. New Beginnings and Affirmation
Those moments that the Lord confirms that this is indeed His plan.

15. Ice cream
No need for explanation. :)

16. Laughter.
Again, no need for explanation. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


After a day like today.... all I need is one word.

12. Grace.
It's not about what I do... It's about the love and forgiveness that He offers each and every step...regardless of my actions. Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fall asleep counting my blessings.

9. Chapel
Nothing like a challenge to be real and vulnerable with God and your friends. Gooood stuff.

10. An apple (every Tues/Thurs)day keeps the doctor away.
One day I asked for a piece of fruit... and now every T/R I get fruit that I don't want to buy at the grocery store.

11. Library ladies that seem to see "I have senioritis and can't keep schedule of things" written on my forehead. Let me demonstrate:
Me: Hi... I need to recheck this book. I think I already have fines.
Librarian: Well let's see... Oh well yes you do...
Me: Can I pay them when I finally turn the book in?
Librarian: *chuckles* yes, you can... you also have another book out.
Me: I do?!
Librarian: *tries to pronounce Nicomachean*... ethics?
Me: Oooo yea...
Librarian: Tell ya what sweetie... I'll recheck that one too, so they're both due on the same day.
Me: *smiles* Bless your heart.
Thank you JBU staff for knowing I'm psycho.